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Welcome to CryptoWiki, The free crypto encyclopedia for you to DYOR. |
Cryptocurrency Projects | |
Thousands of cryptocurrency projects have emerged since Bitcoin was first created in 2008. In 2013, less than 70 cryptocurrencies existed, but over the past ten years, the increase in awareness of the technologies’ revolutionary potential has led to an explosion in the number of projects. This wiki compiles a list of cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin and Ethereum to small caps and maybe even the next unicorn. You will find information on your favorite projects: project history, ecosystem, tokenomics, technology used, project team, and problem solving. To make searching easy, you can look for any project using these classifications:
Have a look at the complete list of crypto projects. Here are the latest created or modified projects pages: <DynamicPageList> category = Coins/Tokens count = 5 order = descending ordermethod = lastedit </DynamicPageList> |
Crypto Glossary | |
The crypto sphere is a complex world with a quickly evolving vocabulary. Cryptocurrencies are not simply a new sector for investment, but in many ways, is a completely different world from traditional finance, combining inventive acronyms, new technologies and the influence of social networks. This wiki will help you increase your technical knowledge and, subsequently, optimize your investment strategies, without forgetting the many touches of humor that reside in this incredible world.
Complete list of crypto concepts definitions. Some examples of our latest created or modified concepts/jargon pages: <DynamicPageList> category = Jargon/Various count = 5 order = descending ordermethod = lastedit </DynamicPageList> |
Notable People | |
Our section on Notable People in crypto presents a wide range of profiles and stories of people who play a role in the crypto sphere. This section contains profiles on new arrivals, recognized experts from other industries, self-taught tech leaders, activists, and critics, as well as some of the most influential people in blockchain. There are incredible stories to tell about these people working in the cryptocurrency world and important people in the blockchain. You can find out that Jesse Powell played Magic the Gathering with Roger Ver in high school or in how many projects Anthony Di Lorio is involved. Read about the DeFi famous Andre Cronje, Stani or Kain. Get to know Steven Nerayoff, a man who is involved with at least 9 cryptocurrencies and who then got charged with extortion. Complete list of crypto personalities. Check out our latest created or modified people pages: <DynamicPageList> category = People count = 5 order = descending ordermethod = lastedit </DynamicPageList> |
Companies and Organizations | |
Blockchain is a disruptive factor for a number of institutional players. The technology has such promise that technology giants like IBM, Microsoft or Google are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in research in this sector. In addition, more than 90% of European and American banks are betting on the Blockchain to revolutionize government actions, finance, insurance and identity security, among other areas yet to be discovered. Different types of companies and organizations that can be found in the wiki include:
Complete list of crypto organizations. Some examples of our latest created or modified companies/organisations pages: <DynamicPageList> category = Companies/Organisations count = 5 order = descending ordermethod = lastedit </DynamicPageList> |
Community and Contribution | |
The Information that you find in this wiki is not representative of the community’s opinion. We attempt to stay as neutral as possible. If you find missing, outdated or incorrect information, you can join this wiki’s community by signing up and adding your own pages. Come say hi in our Discord and discuss research! You can also email with suggestions and sources. This wiki highly appreciates anyone who takes the time to contribute information and help grow our knowledge further. We politely ask people to never shill projects, keep it neutral and factual and of course use as many sources as possible. If you want to edit a page or add a new project, feel free to use our explainer on how to edit or create a page. Knowledge empowers us all and will help us get closer to the decentralized world we all want to live in! If you have enjoyed reading, tips are appreciated. This will help us keep expanding this archive of information. |
Crypto Market and News | |
The Crypto-currency market is a complex universe. Since the capitalization of the crypto currency market, as well as the exchange rate of the currencies are very volatile, speculation on these assets remains very risky. It is important to stay informed and updated on the state of the market as information moves quickly. {{#Widget:CryptoNews}}