Quazarcoin (QCN)

From CryptoCurrency Wiki

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  • “Quazarcoin is a CryptoNight-based coin, which has been launched as a result of community discussions. It has a flatter emission curve and fair, open launch to attract the wider community. QCN's developers focus on usability aspects of the currency. Its main contribution is the popularisation of CryptoNight technology.”
  • Emission curve is similar Bitcoin, 50% QCN will be emitted in 6 years
  • Is a CryptoNight-based coin forked out of Bytecoin.
  • Block Time, sec: 120
  • Reward, coins per block: block reward decreases according to the formula (2^64 - 1 - A)*2^(-21)*10^(-12), where A = supply mined to date
  • Difficulty cycle, blocks: every block
  • Txs Confirm: 60