Rhett Creighton

From CryptoCurrency Wiki

"he’s now building on the concept of a controversial new ERC20 token, HEX. Where Creighton sees ethical problems with HEX he is now claiming to address with an SLP version of that idea, PANDA. It’s supposedly designed to benefit his 800CryptoClub, a social media phenomenon he’s built by offering free crypto with the charge of teaching more folks about how the ecosystem works."

  • From his own website: "In addition to contributing code to Bitcoin, Rhett has helped bring blockchain technology to other industries, including Blockchain Health. Before co-founding Blockchain Health, Rhett served as a Lead Developer of OtherLab, an R&D lab"
  • Was an undergraduate at MIT, "Rhett holds a bachelors degree in Physics and masters degree in Nuclear Engineering, both from MIT. "
  • Used to be a professional poker player for 3 years (talked about it in the Telegram group of Chris DeRose)