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From CryptoCurrency Wiki

Revision as of 15:46, 7 March 2022 by dyor-crypto>5imp5on

{{#seo: |title=CryptocurrencyWiki - All About Cryptocurrencies |description= A multilingual encyclopedia project on blockchain and cryptocurrency. Find 3000+ articles concerning bitcoin, ethereum, exchange, mining, safety, storage, and ICO. All articles are created collaboratively by anonymous crypto enthusiasts and everyone can become a CryptocurrencyWiki author . }}


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Welcome to CryptocurrencyWiki,
The free crypto world encyclopedia for you to DYOR.

Formerly known as the DYOR Crypto Wiki

3,464 articles in English

Cryptocurrency Projects

A long list of cryptocurrencies and all the info we have come upon. Well known ones like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Some scams. And smaller ones like MakerDAO or Pirate Chain (ARRR).

Here are the latest created or modified projects pages :

<DynamicPageList> category = Coins/Tokens count = 5 order = descending ordermethod = lastedit


People involved

Where you can find out that Jesse Powell played Magic the Gathering with Roger Ver in high school or in how many projects Anthony Di Lorio is involved. Read about the DeFi famous Andre Cronje, Stani or Kain. Get to know Steven Nerayoff, a man who is involved with at least 9 cryptocurrencies and who then got charged with extortion.

Check out our latest created or modified people pages :

<DynamicPageList> category = People count = 5 order = descending addfirstcategorydate = true </DynamicPageList>


This info is not necessarily the wiki community's opinion, and we all try to stay as neutral as possible.

If you find any info that is missing, outdated, or just plain wrong you can of course join this Wiki community and add your own pages. The wisdom of the crowd helps us all! You can also email at with suggestions and sources.

This wiki highly appreciates anyone to contribute information and help grow our knowledge further. We ask people politely to never shill projects, keep it neutral and factual and of course use as many sources as possible.

If you want to add a new project, feel free to use this template. Just copy paste the inside text and start adding information.